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Tums Family Services

Building Better Lives and Communities

Our Services

Services that improve the health and well-being of families


Is dedicated to providing comprehensive yet individualized community-based services that improves the health and well-being of families.
Our philosophy is that community-based services can be an effective tool to support and empower families to successfully maintain children at risk of immediate removal from the family home due to maladaptive behaviors or emotional conditions.

All families deserve

All families deserve an opportunity to succeed in society, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, socio-economic status, country of origin, ability/ disability status, sexual orientation, veteran status, relationship status, age, personality, language, communication, education, etc.

How Does it Work?

Simple Process

Step 1: Fill out our referral form

Step 2: We call you back to schedule an assessment

Step 3: Get qualified for the right service

Step 4: We match you with one of our highly qualified staff

We pledge our staff and services to help families. We will never deny aid to anyone who needs our help on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, age, sex, or level of physical or mental capability.



TUMS Family Services, provides for each individual accepted for services a person centered Initial Individualized Service Plan (ISP) for the first 30 days of service. The person centered Initial Individualized Service Plan is developed and implemented within 24 hours of admission.


TUMS Family Services, shall involve family members, guardian, or others, if appropriate, in developing, reviewing, or revising, at least quarterly, the individualized service plans consistent with laws protecting confidentiality, privacy, and the human rights of individuals receiving services.

Inspire and build better lives and communities

We recognized the importance of providing a quality program that allows families develop the skills necessary to live independently in their homes and in the community
We work to see families lead productive lives, helping them develop and practice behaviors that empower them to grow step by step.

Let's Join

 Call us on (804) 362-2900

Our Clinic

TUMS FAMILY SERVICES is dedicated to providing comprehensive yet individualized community-based services that improves the health and well-being of families.