Our clinic provides Multisystemic Therapy (MST) for young individual’s and families.
MST is an evidenced based intensive treatment process that focuses on diagnosed behavioral health disorders and on environmental systems (family, school, peer groups, culture, neighborhood and community) that contribute to, or influence an individual’s involvement, or potential involvement in the juvenile justice system. The target age range is youth 12-17 but youth of other ages can be receive the service if medically necessary. The therapeutic modality uses family strengths to promote positive coping activities, works with the caregivers to reinforce positive behaviors, and reduce negative behavior, and helps the family increase accountability and problem solving. Beneficiaries accepting MST receive assessment and home based treatment that strives to change how the individuals, who are at risk of out-of-home placement, or who are returning home from an out of home placement, function in their natural settings to promote positive social behavior while decreasing anti-social behavior.
MST’s therapeutic model aims to uncover and assess the functional origins of adolescent behavioral problems by altering the individual’s behavior in a manner that promotes prosocial conduct while decreasing aggressive/violent, antisocial, substance using and/or delinquent behavior by keeping the individual safely at home, in school and out of trouble. Treatment is used at the onset of behaviors that could result in (or have resulted in) criminal involvement by treating the individual within the environment that has formed the basis of the problem.